Blocksyte's core focus is on secure, trustable supply chain solutions with real-time IoT tracking of Key Performance Indicators (KPI). These solutions are frequently manifested in business to business transactions but we have done many business to consumer solutions as well. Blockchain solutions span almost every type of business from charity not-for-profit businesses to multinational Telcos.
We have spent many (too many) years developing bleeding-edge technology solutions for our customers and prospects in our 23 years of business:
- Our Blocksyte software manages contracts between 1-n parties and issues smart-contract rules to automate many manual processes
- Hospitality solutions for event or conventions - manage the contracts, entertainers, caterers, labor, and all payments
- Real-Estate transactions with Buyers, Sellers, Agents, Lawyers, Bankers, Inspectors, City officials, all contracts, approvals, sign-offs and payments
- A public social media platform where postings can be private and shared only when you give explicit permission - owned by the participants
- Financial transaction management on the blockchain - payments, digital currency, stocks, or any item with value to be exchanged
- Health record services - manage you own health records and provide secure access only when you choose to your health professional team
- Rental solutions - vechicles, trucks, tools, etc... - all contracts, payments, terms, late-penalties, rules
- Travel packages and Hotel rooms, flight seats have one source of the truth and let everybody look at your inventory and work within the rules you provide
- Concert tickets - track the ticket through its lifecycle avoid the scalpers and those that resell the physical paper by selling the electronic block in the blockchain. redeem it with your personal code you assign to the ticket
- We are only limited by our imagination....
We have seen and done a lot with some of the largest Technology and Enterprise customers in the world. We are not out of the custom innovation game, but we do want to focus our efforts around the blockchain space. If you have an innovation idea that needs an experienced team to build what doesn’t yet exist, then let us know and we’ll take on the project or point you to someone who can help you.